Lower Back Pain can be the worst

Lower Back Pain can be the worst

Everyone suffers from lower back pain from time to time whether from lifting a heavy object improperly, or from a traumatic accident or fall, our lower backs take a beating every day.  American’s sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain and now it has been coined as the Sitting Disease.  Research indicates that Sitting Disease can raise the risk of cancers, obesity, heart disease and diabetes.  Additionally, a lack of physical...

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Athletic Injuries

Athletic Injuries

As fall approaches and students are training and preparing for fall sports, we’re starting to see a number of patients with sports-related injuries.   From twisted knees and ankles to muscle strains and join pain, we know that athletes endure a wide range of injury.     At McDonnell Chiropractic, we can help heal the injury and strengthen the muscles so that the patient is both pain free and less susceptible to re-injury.

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